Art Rhizome Art Rhizome

Art Rhizome Kyoto

at l'Institut Français du Kansai during Art Rhizome Kyoto

  • Vernissage : 2 september 2024
  • Dates : from 3rd september to 6th november 2024
  • Place : Institut Français du Kansai, Kyoto

My japanese gallery Sokyo Gallery will showcase my ceramic and paper work during Art Rhizome Kyoto.

© Mari Minato 2024
Photographies : Ceramics of the Etruscan series, 2022 | © : Imamura Yûji, courtesy Sokyo Gallery
Event poster
D'une rive l'autre D'une rive l'autre

D'une rive l'autre

Duo exhibition with  Frédérique Lucien during Moments Artistiques

  • Vernissage : 20 september 2024
  • Dates : 20, 21, 22 september 2024
  • Place : Moments Artistiques at Christian Aubert

I have been invited by Christian Aubert To showcase my recent work for a duo exhition with Frédérique Lucien during Moments Artistiques. We will create a dialog between work on paper, ceramics and installation.

    at Christian Aubert
  • address : 41 rue de Turenne, Paris 3ème arrondissement
  • Contact : Contact page
  • Vernissage : 20 september 2024 from 3pm, talk at 8pm
  • Dates : 20, 21, 22 september 2024
© Mari Minato 2024 | Frédérique Lucien 2024
Photographies : Nanaï series IV by Mari Minato and ceramic hand from Fragments de corps series by Frédérique Lucien
H du Siège H du Siège

Installation and personal exhibition

at  L'H du Siège, Valenciennes, France

  • Vernissage : date to come
  • Dates : april to june 2025
  • Lieu : L'H du Siège, Contemporary Art Center in Valenciennes, France

I have been invited by Pascal Pesez for a personal exhibition to create an insitu installation inside the Contemporary Art Center in Valenciennes l'H du Siège.

© Mari Minato 2023
Projet La Halle Projet La Halle

« Resurgences »
Installation and personal exhibition

at La Halle, Pont-en-Royans, France

Date change
  • Link : Link to installation dedicated page
  • Vernissage : Saturday, June 17, 2023, at 6:00 PM
  • Dates : June 17 - September 2, 2023
  • Location : La Halle, Center for Contemporary Art in Pont-en-Royans, France

I have been invited by Giulia Turati for a solo exhibition and installation at the Art Center of Pont-en-Royans, La Halle, a patrimonial site facing the Bourne River.

© Mari Minato 2023
Photographies : flyer, project for La Halle, and ceramic "Horizons, earth origins" | © : baptiste François
Sokyo Atsumi Sokyo Atsumi

Personal exhibition

at Sokyo Gallery, Kyoto

Exhibition has been postponed

With this new solo exhibition, I continue my collaboration with Sokyo Gallery as part of the Atsumi project.

© Mari Minato 2023
Photographies : Ceramics created during my residency at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park | © Yuji Imamura
Résidence d'artiste à  La Napoule Foundation Résidence d'artiste à  La Napoule Foundation

Flood Zones et Submerged Ruins
Artist residency ending showcase

at La Napoule Foundation

  • Dates : 24 mars 2023
  • Location : Mandelieu-la-Napoule, France

I will present my research on water-related issues in the Mediterranean region: floods in La Napoule and submerged ruins in Antipolis.

© Mari Minato 2023
Photo : Floods, watercolor on glass canvas | research notebook on Antipolis | © : baptiste François
Espace Art Absolument Espace Art Absolument

Personal Exhibition

à l'Espace Art Absolument

  • Vernissage : Thursday, 1st December 2022
  • Dates : From 1st December 2022 to 14th January 2023
  • Location : Espace Art Absolument, Paris 13

I was invited by Tom Laurent, editor-in-chief of l'Art Absolument , and Teddy Tibi, director of

© Mari Minato 2022
Photographies : Ceramics created during my residency at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Parket au EKWC, European Ceramic Work Centre | © Yuji Imamura
Sokyo Atsumi Sokyo Atsumi

« Asia Now »
Contemporary Art Fair

représented by Sokyo Gallery

  • Dates : from 20th au 23th october 2022
  • Place : Monnaie de Paris, France

Sokyo Gallery will whow my work for the Asia Now 2022 fair inside Monnaie de Paris next october.

© Mari Minato 2022
Photographies : ceramics executed during my artist residency at Nagare, Biwa lake horizons in 2022 | © Shoko Hara
Sokyo Atsumi Sokyo Atsumi

Personal exhibition

à la Sokyo Gallery, Tokyo

  • Vernissage : thuesday 22 september 2022
  • Dates : from 23 septembrer to 28 october 2022
  • Place : Sokyo Gallery, Tokyo

This nex personal exhibition is the start of Sokyo Gallery collaboration through the Atsumi project.

© Mari Minato 2022
Photographies : ceramics executed during my artist residency at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park | © Shoko Hara
Installation La Halle Installation La Halle

Installation and personal exhibition in Pont-en-Royans

à La Halle

exhibition have been postponed
  • Vernissage : summer 2023
  • Dates : summer and automn 2023
  • Place : La Halle, Centre d'art contemporain en Pont en Royans, France

I have been invited by Giulia Turati for a personal exhibition linked to an installation on the Pont-en-Royan Art Center façade, La Halle, a patrimonial site facing a river.

© Mari Minato 2022
Photographies : la Halle project
Exposition Nagare, Aaumino Uchitokioku Exposition Nagare, Aaumino Uchitokioku

« Nagare, aoumino tsuchitokioku »
Personal exhibition

au Shigaraki, Ceramic Cultural Park

  • Dates : 29th appril - 9th june 2022
  • Place : Tougeikan Gallery, The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park

Ending my artist residency,I will show during this exhibition ma latest ceramic works such as the monumental sculpture 'Nagare' and a mural tryptic.

© Mari Minato 2022
Photographies : work in progress, Mari Minato | Image : invitation card photography : © Shoko Hara
Exposition Dans la nuit fauve Exposition Dans la nuit fauve

« Dans la nuit fauve »
Collective exhibition


  • Link : Installation page
  • Dates : february 11th to april 16th 2022
  • Opening reception : february 10th from 5pm
  • Place : Villeurbanne Art Library

In relation with European capitals of culture, Villeurbanne 2022, I have been invited by Magalie Meunier from Studio Ganekto execute an installation inside Mario Botta's Art Library in Villeurbanne. The collective exhibition "Dans la nuit fauve," related to this installation will show Diego Guglieri Don Vito's, Manon Harrois's, Colombe Marcasiano's, Shanta Rao's and Laure Subreville's art pieces. The execution of my installation have received Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa support.

© Mari Minato 2022
Photo : Série âge de fer, I, 36x48cm, aluminum and acrylic on paper, 2022 | Maison du livre de l'image, et du son François Mitterand
Nagare Nagare

Work executed during artist residence

atShigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park

Pendant ma résidence de quatre mois au Centre de céramique de Shigaraki, mes recherches sur la matérialisation du courant m'ont permis de réaliser notamment "Nagare, au fil du temps", une sculpture en céramique blanche transluscide. Elle représente une forme pérenne de mes installations de tissus "Hôjô, au fil du temps."

© Mari Minato 2021
Photo : Nagare in the residency park and detail picture | © Shoko Hara
Conférence d'artiste à Shigaraki Conférence d'artiste à Shigaraki

My research on yaki-mono
Artist talk

atShigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park

  • Dates : 1st july 2021
  • Place : Shigaraki, Japon

During this conference, I summarized my research on yaki-mono, literally 'the burnt objects': ceramics in different cultures through the translation I give to it in my work.

© Mari Minato 2021
Photo : Shigaraki Ceramic Art Center
Entretien l'Art Absolument Entretien l'Art Absolument

Une peinture de l'impermanence ?
Interviewed by François Jeune

published in L'Art Absolument

  • Interviewed : by François Jeune
  • Magazine number : april-may-june 2021, n°96

François Jeune asked me for an interview carried out before my personal exhibition in Kyoto and my participation in the collective exhibition in the studio of Hézo, his transcription appeared in the number 96 of the magazine l'Art Absolument

© Mari Minato 2021
Photo : magazine pages | Baptiste François
Interview Mari Minato Interview Mari Minato

I gave several interviews linked to my exhibitions as for "Vanishing Droplets in a River" et Horizons qui ont été mises à disposition sur la toile. Ces vidéos sont accompagnées de vidéos de réalisation ou de variation de la lumière sur l'installation dont vous trouverez les liens ci-dessous

© Mari Minato 2021
Photos : extracted from videos
Projet pour la station Jean Maga Projet pour la station Jean Maga

1% artistique

for Tisséo Collectivité

  • Lien :page du projet à venir
  • Place : Blagnac, France
  • Competition : finalist project

As part of the 1% artistic (1% of a public construction budget is dedicated to art) for the construction of the Toulouse metro line 3, Tisséo Collectivités my work has been selected and the project I proposed is a finalist for the Jean Maga station in Blagnac

© Mari Minato 2021
Photos : project model | drawing of the metro line and Garonne river
Kyoto Kyocera Museum, photo Mari Minato Kyoto Kyocera Museum, photo Takeru Koroda

Personal Exhibition

at Kyoto Museum (Kyoto Kyocera Museum), Japan

I am invited by the curator Kunieda Katsura to realize a project within The Triangle space inside Kyoto Kyocera Museum and will present my installation and work during a conference at the museum.

    Kyoto Kyocera Museum,
  • 124, Okazaki Enshoji-chô, Sakyô-ku, Kyoto, 606-8344 Japan
  • Dates : 16th march to 13th june 2021
  • Conference : 20 march 2021 at 2pm in the conference room
© Mari Minato 2021
Photo : Installation inside the Triangle | © Mari Minato Photo : the museum and the garden | ©Takeru Koroda
Atelier du Hézo Atelier du Hézo

« Les chemins de l'eau »
Collective Exhibition

at Atelier du Hézo, Le Hezo

  • Dates : 17th july to 22nd august 2021
  • Vernissage : 17th july 2021
  • Place : Atelier du Hézo, 6, impasse Bihan, ZA de Lann Vrihan, 56450 Le Hezo

Collective Exhibiton, water as a motif, water as a medium: paintings, drawings, photographs, videos, sculptures, installations. With works by Olivier DEBRE, Marcelle LOUBCHANSKY, Claire CHESNIER, Gabriele CHIARI, Yann ESNAULT, Dany GUEBLE, Christine JEAN, François JEUNE, Mari MINATO, Jean François ROBIC, Anne SLACIK et Olivier TURPIN

    Atelier du Hézo,
  • 6, impasse Bihan, ZA de Lann Vrihan 56450 Le Hezo, France
  • Dates : 17th july to 22nd august 2021
  • Inauguration : 17th july 2021
  • Free entry from Wednesday to Sunday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., and on appointment
© Mari Minato 2020
Photos : atelier view | ©François Jeune and detail of "Etrusques Series XXI" | ©Baptiste François
Nemeton Nemeton

« Nemeton »
Temporary installation

at Parc des Anciennes Mairies, Nanterre, France

Installation inside « La Conque,  » | temporary installation, a Nanterre City production with the support of Drac Île-de-France, Ministère de la Culture, Région Île-de-France, Département des Hauts-de-Seine

    La Conque,
  • Parc des Anciennes Mairies : 11, rue des Anciennes-Mairies, Nanterre, France
  • Inauguration : saturday 21st september 2019
  • Openning hours :
    • free acces
    © Mari Minato 2019
    Photos : Baptiste François
Espace FL Espace FL

« L'instant qui passe 2 »
François Mendras and Mari Minato duo exhibition

à l' Espace FL, Chambord

  • Dates : 3rd to 24th of october 2020
  • opening reception : saturday october 3rd 2020
  • Place : Espace FL, Château-Fort, 20 route des Lyres, 27250 Chambord, France

Duo exhibition with the painter François Mandras

    Espace FL
  • Dates : 3rd to 24th of october 2020
  • opening reception : saturday october 3rd 2020
  • Free entry from friday and saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on appointment
© Mari Minato 2020
Poster and photo : Hôjô through the ages, Egypte II, Gryphon ©Baptiste François
Salon international du livre rare Salon international du livre rare

Salon international du livre rare

artist-book fair shown on la canopée éditions stand
at Grand Palais, Paris

  • Dates :September 18th to 20th 2020
  • Opening reception : September 17th 2020
  • Place : Grand Palais Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris

During this fair, I will show on la canopée éditions stand the artist-book executed in collaboration with Thierry le Saëc and the poet Hisashi Okuyama : "Marques et pertes pour deux voix en écoutant la 2ème sonate pour violon seul (Marks and losses for two voices listening to Johann Sebastian Bach violin solo 2nd sonata)" within a casing executed by atelier Jeanne Frère

    Grand Palais,
  • Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris
  • Inauguration : 17th of september 2020 from 5p.m. to 8p.m. with invitation
  • Opening hours :
    • Friday, Saturday and Sunday 18th, 19th and 20th of september 2020
    • 11h - 20h
© Mari Minato 2020
Photos : book and details | ©Jeanne Frère
Retours d'Orient Retours d'Orient

« Retours d'Orient »
Personal exhibition

at GED, Paris

  • Dates :7th to 21st of september 2019
  • Vernissage : September the 7th, 2019
  • Place : GED, 138, rue du Temple, Paris 3rd

Solo exhibition « Retours d'Orient » showing works presented at Forum Maison Hermès Japon in Tokyo from last march to june, especially a part of Hôjô, through the ages installation, Utsuwa installation video and Letter to Victor Schœlcher artist book.

  • 138, rue du Temple, 75003 Paris, France
  • Openning reception : saturday 7th of september 2019
  • Openning hours :
    • from 7th to 21st of september 2019
    • thursday to saturday, 11h - 19h, and on appointment
    © Mari Minato 2019
    Photos : Exhibition view "Vanishing Droplets in a River" at forum de la maison Hermès | ©Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Fondation d'entreprise Hermès
Vanishing Droplets in a River Vanishing Droplets in a River

« Vanishing Droplets in a River »
Solo exhibition

at Le Forum, Maison Hermès Ginza

Solo exhibition « Vanishing droplets in a river » presenting two installations "Hôjô," "Tsukiyomi" and artist book "Lettre à Victor Schoelcher" at Le Forum, Maison Hermès Ginza,

© Mari Minato 2019
Images : "Tsukiyomi", 2019
Courtesy of Fondation d'entreprise Hermès | Photos : Baptiste François
Photos : ©Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Fondation d'entreprise Hermès
Utsuwa Utsuwa

« Utsuwa »
Temporary installation

at Maison Hermès Ginza

  • Link : Project page
  • Dates :march 21th - june 2nd 2019
  • Opening reception :wednesday 21th march 2019
  • Place : Maison Hermès Ginza, 8F, 5-4-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Temporary installation on Maison Hermès Ginza façade ahead of solo exhibition « Vanishing droplets in a river » at Le Forum, Maison Hermès Ginza

© Mari Minato 2019
Images : "Utsuwa", in progress and detail, 2019
Courtesy of Fondation d'entreprise Hermès | Photos : Baptiste François
Acculturation Acculturation

« Acculturation »
Permanent installation

at Cité internationale universitaire of Paris

Installation within the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, « Maison Internationale restaurant,  » renovation by fair architect for Crous of Paris | permanent installation

© Mari Minato 2018
Image : "Acculturation", pigments and acrylic binder on walls, 2017
Photo : Tadzio
Chassagne-Montrachet Chassagne-Montrachet

« Une partie de campagne »
Contemporary art perambulation

Represented by GED

8th edition of "Une partie de Campagne" in Chassagne-Montrachet, France. 13 galleries in 10 places in the village are showing 40 artists. The GED will show my works on paper and one of my artist books.

    Les héritiers Saint-Genys
  • Domaine de Saint-Genys : 1, Place de l'Eglise, 21990 Chassagne-Montrachet
  • Vernissage : vendredi 25 mai 2018 à partir de 17h
  • Opening hours :
    • From 25th to 27th may on 2018
      Friday 25 may : 5h - 7h p.m.
      Saturday 26 may : 10h30 a.m.- 1h p.m.// 2h - 7h p.m.
      Sunday 27 may : 10h30 a.m.- 1h p.m.// 2h - 5h p.m.
© Mari Minato 2018
Images : "Sumer series III", acrylic and aluminum on paper, diptych, 2017
"Dynastie series, guardian", acrylic and aluminum on paper, diptych, 2017
Photos : Baptiste François
Schoelcher Schoelcher

« Poétique du Geste »
Collective exhibition

invited by Sonia Recasens and Maud Cosson

  • Date :january 20th - march 10th 2018
  • Vernissage : saturday january 20th 2018
  • Place :La Graineterie | 27, rue Gabriel-Péri, 78800 Houilles, France

Installation for the "Poétique du Geste" exhibition, invited by Sonia Recasens and Maud Cosson

    La Graineterie
  • Municipal art center : 27, rue Gabriel-Péri, 78800 Houilles, France
  • Vernissage : saturday january 20th 2018 from 5 to 8 pm
  • Opening hours :
    • 3 to 6pm tuesday, thursday, friday
      10am to 1pm / 3 to 6pm wednesday, saturday
  • Tel. : +033 (0)1 39 15 92 10
© Mari Minato 2018
Image : Schoelcher series, project for the exhibition
Note book photo : Baptiste François

« Shinano-ki »
Artist book

edited by the artist

This artist book represents the synthesis of my research work on Shinano-Omachi city in Nagano. A form of contemplation on the world like the one developed by Monk Kamo no Chomei in "Notes of my monk's hut" during the 13th century.

    edited by the artist
  • Editions 30 ex + 5 ea
  • lithographies Washi, Atelier idem paris, handmade stamped wording
  • slipcasepaulownia wood, Atelier Kamikodai, stamped with iron
  • Dimensions21 x 13.5 cm (slipcase 16 x 23.5 x 3 cm)
© Mari Minato 2017
Photo : Baptiste François

« Minéralogie »
Artist book

edited by the artist

This artist book represents the synthesis of my research work on the Minerals series. It is based on the work of Roger Caillois and Pierre and Marie Curie.

    edited by the artist
  • Editions : 15 ex + 5 ea
  • Pigment printingCanson RAG photographique 210g paper, Atelier Philippe Guilvard
  • Dimensions15,5 x 10,2 x 1 cm (15,5 x 72,4 cm unfold)
© Mari Minato 2017
Photo : Baptiste François

« Lettres ouvertes »
Collective exhibition

at institut des cultures d'Islam (Islamic cultures Institute)

  • Date septembre 21st 2017 - january 21st 2018
  • Vernissage : september wednesday 20th 2017
  • Place :ICI Goutte d'Or (second floor) | 56, rue Stephenson – 75018 Paris

Invited by Bérénice Saliou, exhibition art director, the installation is a bridge between the Louvre islamic collections and the exhibition, based on a golden age of Islam, an Abbasid caliphate's object.

    Institut des Cultures d'Islam
  • ICI Goutte d’Or : 56, rue Stephenson – 75018 Paris
  • Vernissage : september wednesday 20th 2017 from 7:30pm
  • Opening hours : septembre 21st 2017 - january 21st 2018
    • tuesday-thursday : 1pm – 8pm
      friday : 4pm-8pm
      saturday-sunday : 10am-8pm
  • Tel. : +33 (0)1 53 09 99 84
  • Email :accueil@institut-cultures-islam.org
© Mari Minato 2017
Image : Notes extract
Geste Geste

« Geste »
Collective exhibition

at Château de Poncé

This exhibition is showing twelve artists works with the gesture as a guide line. Alexandre Hollan, Caribaï or Mari Minato gestures are a matter of sign, revealing a moment in time, an emotion.

© Mari Minato 2017
photo : courtesy GED
Misuzukaru Shinano Misuzukaru Shinano

« Misuzukaru Shinano »
Installation in Nagano

Japan Alps Art Festival 2017 invited by Art Front Gallery

Installation for the « Japan Alps Art Festival 2017 » invited by Art Front Gallery

© Mari Minato 2017
photos : Mari Minato
Notes Notes

« Notes, entre deux fleuves »
Solo exhibition


  • Date : april 27th - may 20th 2017
  • Vernissage : thursday april 27th 2017
  • Location :GED | 138, rue du Temple - Paris 3

My first Solo exhibition at GED will show my recent works and a new installation.
On this occasion, my first personal catalog will be edited with CNAP (National Center for Fine Arts) support, and a Guitemie Maldonado's text.

  • 138, rue du Temple - 75003 Paris
  • Vernissage : thursday april 27th 2017 from 3 to 9pm
  • Opening hours : april 27th - may 20th | 11am - 7pm and by appointment
  • Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 54 04 14
  • Mail :info@eric-dupont.com
© Mari Minato 2017
photos : Jean-François Rogeboz (work) | Baptiste François (studio)
Art Brussels Art Brussels

Art Brussels 35th
Contemporary art fair

Represented by GED

  • Date :april 21st - 23rd 2017
  • Vernissage : 20 april 2017
  • Place :Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86c, Brussels, Belgium

My recent works will be shown on GED's stand A 41

    Art Brussels 2017
  • Tour & Taxis | Avenue du Port 86c, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
  • Vernissage : thursday april 20th 2017 from 5 to 10pm
  • Opening hours : april friday 21st - sunday 23rd 2017 from 11am to 7pm
  • Contacts :to see on fair website
© Mari Minato 2017
painting image : Mari Minato, "Sumer series II", acrylic et aluminum on paper, diptych, 48 x 72cm, 2017
Drawing now Paris Drawing now Paris

Drawing Now Paris
Contemporary art fair

Represented by GED

  • Datemarch 23rd - 26th 2017
  • Vernissage : wednesday march 22nd 2017 from 6 to 9pm
  • Location :Carreau du temple | 4 rue Eugène Spuller - Paris 3

My recent works will be shown on GED's stand number B-17

    Carreau du temple
  • 4 rue Eugène Spuller - 75003 Paris
  • Vernissage : wednesday march 22nd 2017 from 6 to 9pm
  • Opening hours : 23 - 26 march | 11am - 8pm (7pm on sunday)
  • Contact mail :info@drawingnowparis.com
© Mari Minato 2017
painting image : Mari Minato, "Nanaï series XV", acrylic et aluminum on paper, diptych, 33.8 x 48cm, 2016
15 ans Premier Regard 2016 15 ans Premier Regard 2016

Premier Regard
15 years | 2001-2016

collective exhibition organized by Premier Regard

  • Date october 14th - 15th 2016
  • Vernissage :thursday october 13th 2016 from 6pm to 9pm
  • Location :Bastille Design Center | 74, boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris

Premier Regard invited 75 artists exhibited for 15 years and their gallerist to show their recent works at the Bastille Design Center. The exhibition is curated by Marc Donnadieu and Henri Jobbé-Duval. Mari Minato's work will be represented by two paintings from the series "Roger Caillois" and "Gallic".

    Bastille Design Center
  • 74, boulevard Richard Lenoir - 75011 Paris
  • Vernissage : thursday october 13th 2016 from 6pm to 9pm
  • Opening hours : october 14th - 15th | 12am - 8pm
  • Tel : +33 (0)1 45 71 07 89
  • Mail :premierregard@aol.com
L'Art dans les Chapelles 2016 L'Art dans les Chapelles 2016

L'Art dans les Chapelles
25 years of creation !

collective exhibition at Jean Fournier gallery (Paris) | Bains-Douches (Pontivy)

  • Link :L'Art dans les Chapelles
  • Locations and Dates :
    • Jean Fournier Gallery (Paris) june 1st - 4th 2016
      vernissage on thursday june 2nd from 6 to 8:30p.m.
    • Bains-Douches (Pontivy) july 8th - sept. 18th 2016
      vernissage on saturday july 9th from 4:30p.m.

For the 25th edition of l'Art dans les Chapelles, Jean Fournier gallery will present the works of more than 100 artists who have participate to the event. Mari Minato's work will be represented by a drawing of her 2012 executed installation « Chêne Châtaigne (Oak, Chesnut) ».

  • L'Art dans les Chapelles
  • Jean Fournier gallery
    • 22 rue du Bac - 75007 Paris
      Tel. : +33 (0)1 42 97 44 00
    • Opening hours :
      Vernissage : thursday june 2nd from 6p.m. to 8:30p.m.
      june 1st - 4th 2016 from 10a.m. to 12:30a.m. and from 2p.m. to 7p.m.
  • Bains-Douches
    • 13, quai Presbourg - 56300 Pontivy
      Tel. : +33 (0)2 97 27 97 31
    • Opening hours :
      Vernissage : saturday july 9th from 4:30p.m.
      july 8th - september 18th 2016 from 2p.m. to 7p.m. except on tuesday
Art Brussels 2016 Roger Caillois Series, 2016

Art Brussels
Contemporary art fair

represented by GED

  • Link :Art Brussels 2016
  • Date :april 22th - april 24th 2016
  • Vernissage :thursday april 21st from 5p.m. to 10p.m.
  • Location :Tour & Taxis, avenue du Port 86C Havenlaan, Brussels

GED will present as solo artist Taysir Batniji (b. 1966) and on Prime:
Pascal Convert (b. 1957)
Mari Minato (b. 1981)
Mathieu Pernot (b. 1970)
Narmine Sadeg (b. 1955)
Christoph von Weyhe (b. 1937)

    Art Brussels 2016
  • Tour & Taxis
    avenue du Port 86C Havenlaan, BE -1000 Brussels
  • Opening hours :
    • Vernissage :jeudi 21 avril from 5p.m. to 10p.m.
    • april 22th - april 24th 2016 from 11a.m. to 7p.m.
© Mari Minato 2016
painting image : Mari Minato, "Roger Caillois series I", Acrylic on canvas, 79 x 150 cm, triptych
Drawing Now Drawing Now

Drawing Now Paris
Artist in one man show

represented by GED

  • Link :Drawing Now Paris
  • Datemarch 30th - april 3rd 2016
  • Vernissage :wednesday march 30th from 6pm to 9pm
  • Location :Carreau du Temple, 4 rue Eugène Spuller, 75003 Paris, France

GED will present to the 10th Drawing Now Paris art fair Mari Minato's recent works as "artist in one man show" on its B17 stand

    Drawing Now Paris
  • Carreau du Temple
    4 rue Eugène Spuller, 75003 Paris, France
  • Opening hours :
      wednesday march 30th 2016
    • 10am – 6pm : Trade preview
      6pm – 9pm : Opening night
      1pm – 6pm : with ticket and invitations
      Thursday, March 31st to Sunday, April 3rd
    • 11am – 6pm
© Mari Minato 2016
image : View of the booth, Drawing Now Paris 2016, Le Carreau du Temple, courtesy GED, Paris.
Simple Shapes series

« Space Parts »
Solo exhibition

at Miyako Yoshinaga NYC Gallery

  • DatesDecembre 17th 2015 - February 6th 2016
  • Vernissage :thursday decembre 17th from 6pm to 8pm
  • Location :547 West 27th Street 2nd Floor, New York City, USA

« Space Parts » solo exhibition at Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery

© Mari Minato 2015
image : Mari Minato, "Simple Forms Series XVII", acrylic on BFK Rives, tryptich, 38 x 58,5 cm, 2015
Formes sans fin

« Formes sans fin »
Installation official presentation

Private visit for Premier Regard Association members at Necker Hospital

  • Dateoctober 6th 2015
  • Location :Necker hospital, Paris, France

« Formes sans fin »

Official presentation of Mari Minato's permanent installation in Necker hospital attended by Dr Rémi Salomon, who invited Mari Minato to execute the installation, Brigitte Pilat from the city of Paris who gave financial support, and Premier Regard Association members

© Mari Minato 2015
photos : Baptiste François

« Dérives »
Installation inauguration

by non profit organization Ashinaga

« Dérives »

Inauguration of both building by TERRAIN architects and Mari Minato's permanent installation in Nansana, Uganda.

© Mari Minato 2015
photos : Ikko Kobayashi

« Dérives »
Installation in Uganda

invited by TERRAIN architects

« Dérives »

New permanent installation executed during june 2015 and based on continental drift concept.

The installation go into wall and ceiling of the AU Dormitory hall in Nansana, Uganda

© Mari Minato 2015
photos : Baptiste François

Cho Kyoto | Art Kyoto 2015
Contemporary art fair


MATSUO MEGUMI+VOICE GALLERY will present 2 realized installations and 2 projects limited edition photographies.

« Parcelles d'espaces »
Solo exhibition

at Galerie Richard, Paris | NYC

  • Links : Exhibition | Installation
  • Date : march 14th – april 11th 2015
  • Vernissage :saturday march 14th from 5pm to 9pm
  • Location :74, rue de Turenne 75003 PARIS, FRANCE

Mari Minato Solo exhibition at Galerie Richard

© Mari Minato 2015
photo : Baptiste François

« Notes »
Book front cover

Invited by prof. Kashiwagi Kayoko

Project for the Nanterre city open air theatre shown on the front cover of the previously unpublished Flaubert « Heart castle » japanese translation

© Mari Minato 2015
photo | cover design : Baptiste François

« Œuvres sur papier »
Collective exhibition

at Galerie Richard, Paris | NYC

  • Link : Galerie RICHARD
  • Dates : january 31th – february 26th 2015
  • Vernissage :saturday january 31th from 5pm to 8pm
  • Location :74, rue de Turenne 75003 PARIS, FRANCE

Christophe Avella-Bagur, Jean Carzou, Sven-Ole Frahm, Carl Fudge, Hervé Heuze, Stéfan Hoenerloh, Shirley Kaneda, Takesada Matsutani, Mari Minato, Peter Rogiers

« Mari Minato »
Solo exhibition

at Premier Regard Gallery
Invited by Gilles Fuchs

  • Links : Exhibition | Installation
  • Dates : january 22nd – february 6th 2015
  • Vernissage : thursday january 22nd janvier from 6pm
  • Location :10, rue Hublot 75015 Paris, FRANCE

First Mari Minato's Solo exhibition invited by Gilles Fuchs

© Mari Minato 2015
image : Mari Minato, "Premier Regard Gallery project", acrylic on paper and computer montage, 2014